Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Doll Making Links

I just discovered that I am getting sick so I may be delayed with my own tutorial so to make up for it

Here is a list of doll making tutorials.



http://morezmore.com/myblog/2010/01/02/bjd-1/   (this is also the way I set up my armatures currently.
There are lots of way to make a armature)


http://mstrok.ucoz.ru/publ/69-1-0-292  (you are going to need google translate for this one)

http://mangakaresource.weebly.com/how-to-make-a-ball-jointed-doll.html  (some already listed links may be there. Soz)

http://translate.google.com/translate?u=http://www.linkclub.or.jp/~oshizaka/doll/howto/index.html&langpair=ja ( a little confusing but you should find a lot of helpful things)

I'll leave it at that but I will add this last tidbit for you

Pinterest.com is your friend.
If you need any extra info or even just ref. Search here. It has been super helpful in my studies in the world of doll making

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